Friendly face of a strategy

While large corporations build hundreds of pages of strategies, having specialized departments dedicated to such activity, small business have a simpler approach, from one day to another or, if luckier, from season to season.

Because there are thousands of articles on internet and equally printed books, this consignment is meant to bring a short representation of a human approach.

#1. Learn your market. Find out its rules, laws and regulations, functionalities and non-functionalities, view its trends. Go abroad. Go to fairs, conferences. It doesn’t cost so much to take the ‚no budget’ on your lap. Search and research.
#2. Design a calendar. Annual. Start it from November. Put in all major events you plan to follow all year long, including your own. Use a flipchart paper if Outlook or Gmail does not work for you. Free your mind and see the big picture, the daily activities will fill the pages of your agenda soon enough.
#3. Manage yourself. Ideas, wishes, needs, fears or anything else bothers you. Once you exercise to coordinate yourself, it is easier to coordinate others or daily business.
#4. Know your competitors. In real life. Honestly. You may develop the chance of some future partnerships.
#5. Objectives. Give them strength, timeframe and measurements. Check also the advises of the article’s author:ăcate-capitale-setarea-obiectivelor
#6. Know and understand your team. Best ideas come from people you ignore, those working ofr you. Acknowledge them, empower them and let them do their job.
#7. Look where your business comes from. Growing may jump up from where you are not yet exploring. An idea belonging to the author of this article is to use feedback of your clients to build a strategyă-feedback-ul-clienţilor-într-o-strategie